Sunday, August 11, 2013

President shows up at rodeo! Righteous indignation abounds!

Apparently, this is a big deal for some people.

Tears are flowing tonight over at the Daily Kos too.
Now, I know we're building a great society and all but seriously, lets leave the outrage over insults to the dear leader to the morons north of the DMZ!
Anyway, aren't you late for a flag burning Mr. Abouhalkah?

The Missouri State Fair has just empowered anyone who claims offense.  This Rodeo Clown has been banned for life because people who were neither injured or offended claimed that they were.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Missouri State Fair on Monday imposed a lifetime ban on a rodeo clown whose depiction of President Barack Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike.The rodeo clown won't be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they're also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday's event.
So congrats you morons in Jefferson City.  You just validated the strategy they can used to crush anyone who does something they don't like!  I guess you've never heard of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Doomed to repeat history?  Indeed.